About Shaar, Metaverse and Social Mining -3-

6 min readAug 3, 2022


(The Miracle of Social Mining)

The Shaar Map

Hello Shaarchildren,

With this article, I will try to explain to you the last title of our trilogy, the miracle of Social Mining and of course why we, as the Shaar team, decided to do social mining and establish the Shaar community HUB.

Blockchain is a magical space for me. Just like living in the future. Like millions of tech-savvy people, I believe that blockchain technology will shape our future and cryptocurrency will be the money of the future. Although the blockchain field is in its infancy, like any new growing field, it is expanding exponentially and growing at a dizzying pace. Every day, hundreds of projects are being introduced to the market to receive investment and realisation, offering a new perspective or use of any data processing or crypto money needed using blockchain technology.

​In order for your project to receive investment and to be realised among the new projects, the number of which exceeds 100s, you must have completed your equipment in many respects. For a project to grow;

1- First of all, it needs a hardworking and qualified core team that believes in the project and has set its target.

2- The project must have unique features to fill a gap in the field and contribute to the field.

3- The project needs the support of a market team that recognises the crypto market that believes in the goal of the project.

It is the solid work of these 3 pillars that enable successful teams to realise their projects by getting the investment they want. Indeed, we have seen in the past years that no matter which unique and important subject a project is directed towards, if it has not found its investor, it has been removed to the archives full of unsuccessful project files before it even starts.

Finding investors is only possible by increasing the awareness of your project. For this reason, the most important goal of the market team at the beginning is to show itself to the investor and to make its name known as much as possible in the crypto market.

Increasing project awareness is primarily through the correct and effective use of Social Media. The whole effort of the advertising campaigns to be carried out in the process of meeting the project with the investor is to convey the name and purpose of the project to the wide masses.

For a long time, market teams used methods we call airdrop or bounty events to reach the masses. And they worked with influencers who they believed would be influenced by the thoughts of the masses. Although these rapid awareness campaigns made a sound, especially at the beginning of the bull market, these methods started to harm during long periods of stagnation in the bear market. When people incurred losses on the investments they made with the guidance of influencers, their recommendations created a negative atmosphere around the project. The masses that seemed to gather around a project with airdrop or bounty campaigns dispersed as quickly as they gathered because they were only there for the reward. Projects that could not find investors and rapidly lost blood began to end and disintegrate before they started.

In this environment, the motivation to raise awareness and realise the project came with a method called Social mining. The organically growing community building activity for the project started to create miracles and find investors even in that long bear market towards the end of 2019.

What is Social Mining?

As you all know, blockchain miners are people with specialised computer hardware that enables the transfer of PoW proof-of-work of tokens such as BTC and ETH, and they mine tokens in the blocks they perform during transactions. In other words, they try to find crypto sequences. Social mining is also a type of token mining. However, what a social miner needs to do for this is to do awareness work in the field of Social Media for the token he decides to mine.

How Social Miner Earns?

1-Gains the opportunity to observe the team and the operation of the project from the inside in the HUB of the project. This opportunity allows him to make the deepest research on investing.

2-Instead of investing in new startups with very high risks, it invests only with its labour while getting to know the project and collects the token at the public sale price. When the tokens accumulated over time with qualified promotional activities are listed, they turn into quite significant earnings.

3- During the promotion activities, it closely follows all aspects of the project, its growth in accordance with the road map and establishing its ecosystem. Thus, it creates valuable ideas about becoming an investor of the project.

4-Learns the blockchain area and crypto market during Social Mining studies, learns to produce content on promotion and advertising on social media, uses tools such as Photoshop, video maker, learns writing tools such as word, power point, in short, is equipped with marketing.

How does the Project Team win with Social Mining work?

1-In the events held to increase the awareness of the project, the project is promoted with content produced with more sincere and knowledgeable content than professional advertisements or those produced by people who join the project community for one-time awards.

2-Distribute the project token to the widest possible audience during the promotion of the project and develop measures against high price fluctuations during the listing.

3-Providing reward tokens for the promotion of the project means the start of token sales, albeit on a small scale, and another important advantage of these sales is the sense of belonging created by community members. People with your token will spontaneously become advocates of the project in every environment.

4-The high energy constantly sent by a community that closely monitors every move of the project team and has a good command of the road map is a very important source of motivation.

5-After the project token is listed, people who will participate in the social mining work, even in symbolic amounts, are asked to stake the project token, the best holders of a token defend it.

6-When investors or crypto exchanges see a convinced and knowledgeable community around the project, they do not hesitate to make an investment decision and increase the amount of investment.

To summarise:

Shaar is a collection of works that originates from vast geography that stretches from the cultural line along the Balkans, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, North Africa, the Balkans, Mesopotamia, and North Africa to the Aceh and Indonesian cultural pool, and that develops and continues to develop by blending the basic codes of the emotions and customs of this lush texture, just as Tolkien created The Lord of the Rings corpus based on the codes of Anglo-Saxon society. Its universe consists of unique tree-spaces. Its protagonists are biological beings who can pass on their genetic and property traits to their heirs when they get sick, age and die. This unique universe, which speaks the original Jel Ketri language with its own alphabet and grammar, is designed as an MMORPG. However, it is a tokenised universe that can be traded with its metaverse and augmented reality, deeds and assets that can be converted into NFT.

With the possibilities provided by blockchain technology, the unique game project we call “MetaRPG” has started to work to create its own unique community.

We aim that our community, which we will establish to create awareness of our project in the Crypto market and to tell the game world about Shaar, will share the same feeling and the same purpose with the team.

Thus, with a Shaar that grows with the power it receives from its community in the blockchain space or in the game world, we aim to win both the community and the project team.

Let’s earn Shaar tokens together, strengthen our community and make personal investments with community rewards.

Let’s achieve the miracle of Social Mining in Shaar.

N.ipek Celik — COO of Shaar

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Take your place among the Shaarchildren by participating in a real metaverse experience in a fairy-tale universe. https://shaargame.com/