About Shaar, Metaverse and Social Mining -2- (A look at Shaar)

6 min readAug 2, 2022


The purpose of this article is to carefully examine Shaar, as a game, as a Universe, its integration to Metaverse, and its features. MMORPG as a genre.

Shaar is a gaming project that allows users to compete against each other and the environment. Shaar combines the Blockchain and MMORPG elements and creates a new genre, MetaRPG.

Video games that combine elements of role-playing video games with massively multiplayer online games are known as MMORPGs. Similar to role-playing games (RPGs), the player assumes the role of a character and controls much of that character’s activities. This usually takes place in a fantasy or science fiction setting. The ability for multiple players to communicate with each other and the persistent world (typically hosted by the game’s publisher) set MMORPGs apart from single-player or small multiplayer online RPGs. The persistent world continues to exist and develop even when the player is offline and not playing the game.

MMORPG as a Genre

MMORPG can be examined as a gaming genre. The origin and abbreviation of MMORPG come from the definition of a multiplayer role-playing game. The MMORPG and MMO genres are linguistically similar, but the social and role-playing elements of MMORPGs make the difference. Particularly successful in character development and creation, MMORPGs allow players to focus on these elements and provide a social ecosystem through them.

Carry forward, while you have to progress on your own in single-player games, MMORPG allows you to defeat large-scale bosses or creatures with the team or group you set up in the games, and do the missions in this way, as it is unique to its genre. Besides, MMORPGs can be divided into three. Those that are free to play, those that include small payments, and those that are free to play and have a monthly subscription system. In addition, MMORPG games offer you the opportunity to sail to a completely different world to complete missions with multiple people and communicate with other characters. This type of world where you can do whatever you want and interact with anything is called sandbox style. In short, it allows you to take yourself to the next step in MMORPG games and adapt and enjoy the inner world of such games.

Blockchain and Its Ecosystem

Blockchain technology is best known for maintaining secure and decentralised records of transactions in cryptocurrency systems. In the gaming section, the use of blockchain technology gives players increased security due to the decentralisation of this system. In addition, it removes the creativity limit found in games, ensuring that the only obstacle in front of the players is their imagination.

What is Shaar?

Shaar is a lively world in which people can witness and experience their extraordinary atmosphere within the elements of wide cosmography. Players can shape their destiny with their decision-making skills. Shaar has unique gameplay that allows people to have comfortable gameplay without difficulties.

Shaar itself is a fantasy world with precise universal principles and mythology. From the flow of time to the converting of seasons, to all creations that come to mind. Behind the creation of all these, the Sacred Trees of Life which are called Aya Shaar are hidden.

An audio-visual infrastructure consisting of approximately 40 trees of life will be included in Shaar, each with its own unique biological structure. Each of these Trees of Life will have different characteristics, benefits, harms, and different interactions with tribes.

Shaar has six completely variable and interactive social structures: Tribes, Clans, Religions, Cults, Forming Companions, and Family Ties that will turn into organic social support. Within these social structures, DAO-based choices will be possible. Shaar will include changes in the administrative system, management referendums, tribal and religious wars, tribal and sectarian wars.

There are eight tribes in Shaar. Each of these Tribes will have unique characteristics, different skill trees, different gameplay mechanics, and plots that will have different consequences when interacting with the trees. There are also eight religions to choose from in the game.

Land sales in the Shaar world will exist. Unlike other games, with the possibilities brought by Metaverse, investors who are not from the game world will also be able to buy and rent land. Thanks to the blockchain, unique lands will be created using the metaverse and these lands will be owned by only one person (like NFT), and in this context, dozens of structures can be built by players on the land. There will also be areas of collective interaction that can be produced by players.

This world, which has trees, tribes, and features unique to its universe, opens a new and exciting door for players who love MMORPG games. Some of the systems that are available in other MMORPGs but do not provide full excitement to the players are; a family system where we can switch to the successor character when the main character dies, a unique character development system that will start to age in time will be rendered and presented to the players. As for the atmosphere, Shaar will give players a taste of the day cycle and season cycles with excellent viewing pleasure. As for gameplay, the development of abilities that we don’t use often will slow down over time. In addition to these gameplay features, inherited or non-hereditary, temporary or permanent disease mechanics will also be found in the game and there will be infirmaries where these diseases can be treated. Also, there will be massive structures in the game dedicated to religious and tribal mechanics, such as palaces and temples.

The aim of Shaar is to ensure that people are not derived from real life. Shaar will have a collaborative, dynamic, and sustainable social model that will encourage individuals to bring their social networks with them. You can travel in the Shaar Metaverse by forming little groups or you can go on individual expeditions. By banding together, communities will be able to create larger clans, and during war seasons, clans will be able to enlist in leagues by summoning their heroes.

All of the aforementioned content is free, but a tokenized system is also being developed and will be made available to all users. Players can earn tokens and NFTs in the deep sustainable economy that Shaar is building. Doing some job will be feasible here as well, just like in the real world. Players may gather ratja to earn gems, and combine gems to produce integrated NFTs, besides, you can create and play mini-games such as board games in taverns within the game, and you can go off on a voyage through the unknown regions of the Shaar as an explorer.

Additionally, the most important part is, Shaar will be presented to the players as a unique genre, apart from other role-playing games, as it is a MetaRPG created by its creators. The concept of MetaRPG, unique to the creators of Shaar, offers a promise that includes unique structures and mechanics that have never been used in MMORPG games in the past. We can state that none of the mechanics or structures mentioned above and here are as detailed as in Shaar in other games. In Shaar; Lineage ties and kinship relations to be formed through inheritance vows trees, youth-old age status of the character that occurs in parallel with the game time, mastery abilities related to financial elements, primary talent elements for power, war and synergy, warrior mixes organically shaped by the in-game behaviours of the players and there will be social mixes.

Moreover, it is easily accessible. People will be able to download Shaar through all platforms. Also, for a true metaverse and alternative reality experience, Shaar will announce VR & AR integration. Metaverse is the concept of a persistent, online, 3D universe that combines multiple different sandboxes. Metaverse allows users to work together, meet, hang out, play and socialise in these sandboxes. Furthermore, Metaverse is a whole new virtual world which is a hypothetical iteration of the Internet as a single, universal and immersive virtual world that is facilitated by the use of virtual reality and augmented reality headsets.

Summary :

To conclude, all the content and concepts mentioned above will be blended with Shaar’s world and presented to players. Blending the MMORPG genre and blockchain technology, Shaar opens the doors of a limitless world for its players to discover and experience the endless potential with its unique elements. And besides all, it offers the play-to-earn model to its players in the best possible way.

Thanks for reading.

Ensar Esen > CM of Shaar
Baran Cevik >CM of Shaar

Shaar. (2022). Retrieved 2 August 2022, from


Disclaimed by Shaargame



© 2022 Shaar Game Co. It is a US-based commercial formation that aims to develop an Mmorpg game with completely original dynamics using the Blockchain base together with its prestigious partners.




Take your place among the Shaarchildren by participating in a real metaverse experience in a fairy-tale universe. https://shaargame.com/