About Shaar, Metaverse and Social Mining -1- (Why MetaRPG)

5 min readAug 1, 2022


“Merhaba” Shaar community

Today is August 1, 2022. This date is our starting point for the Shaar Community HUB. Our goal is to create the first core of the community of Shaar, an MMORPG that thousands of players can play online on the blockchain network. In short, it is to create awareness of Shaar in the field of blockchain.

We are the pioneers of the Shaar Community. We describe ourselves as social miners. We are all pioneers adopting blockchain technology, believing that cryptocurrency is our future. Therefore, our main goal is to ensure the adoption of blockchain technology in the world. However, among the Shaar community members, some gamers have not been interested in blockchain technology until now. Some of our community members have experience in the crypto market but have never been interested in MMORPG or Social Mining. Therefore, in our Shaar HUB articles, which we have planned as a series, we will clarify our perspective and determine our roadmap by answering questions that may come to mind about Shaar, blockchain, and social mining.

Why is the blockchain technology preferred to be used in Shaar?

Shaar’s mythology, universe design, and literary works within this scope started to be fictionalized by Berat Mert four years ago. In this context, the Jel Ketri language, which was developed only for the Shaar universe and has a unique alphabet, grammatical structure, and dictionary, was created by our linguist teammates in the process. At the same time, Shaar Book, which is about the mythology of the universe, and The Sight of Gumug Beleg and Motley Lands Massacre mini novels, which describe the era in which our game is located, were written and translated into various European Languages for publication. In addition, Shaar: Motley Lands Massacre Board Game, one of Shaar’s first physical productions, a huge product containing nearly 2000 components, has been completed and is being prepared for the Kickstarter process.

During the days when all these works were going on, it was decided that Shaar has a huge universe and mythology, with the joint decision of Shaar’s architect Berat Mert and CEO of Shaar, Bülent Bulut, that this project would only be carried out on the blockchain network in the most accurate way.

Let’s leave the questions of what Shaar is and how is the story and mechanics of the Shaar game to another article, and let’s look for an answer to the question of why the blockchain network is preferred over the internet network. To answer this question, it is necessary to remember the differences between the blockchain network and internet networks.

What is blockchain technology?

In Its most general sense, a Blockchain is a decentralized ledger that lists any asset, movable, immovable material, or intellectual property information. Compared to internet networks, the possibilities offered by this technology, which we abbreviate DLT (Decentralized Ledger Technology) with its widespread use, are limitless. It is useful to take a closer look at blockchain technology, which we describe as the biggest revolution after the Internet.

What Kinds of Opportunities Does the Blockchain Network Provide to Shaar Players?

1-Blockchain records (DLTs) are decentralized, meaning they are not collected on a server, but distributed as cryptographic data across the network on blocks. This ensures that the data records are immutable and cannot and intervened. It provides a database where data such as election results, title records, or cryptocurrency transactions can be transparently tracked but not changed by those who hold the key. This means the assurance of the individual’s personality and property rights. The dreadful risks, such as the complete deletion of an opponent’s records such as business, identity, or property, from public database servers which are implemented in some totalitarian regimes, can never be realized in blockchain networks. Few people have read Orwell’s 1984 and have not fallen into fear of the future. With DLT technology, documents of your existence are kept forever in decentralized ledgers on the blockchain network.

The distribution of Shaar MMORPG on a blockchain network is the eternal assurance of the assets that people earn in-game. The immutable and transparent database secures all your gaming-related assets with your crypto so that no one can interfere with it. There are no risks such as server hacking in internet networks or game owners changing the records by interfering with the server.

2- A cryptographic digital currency on the blockchain can be transferred between individuals without the need for a third person or institution, namely a bank or financial institution (P2P). This capability of the blockchain network is a financial revolution. Today, anyone who trades with another country or needs to send money abroad for some reason loses a lot of money and time because of swift transactions. However, in blockchain networks, crypto money transfer between countries takes only minutes, depending on the TPS of the network and the final transaction resolution capabilities. In short, cryptocurrency transfer is borderless. By the way, we are not going to get into the issue of how much the imperialist power of big financial institutions over your money can exploit you.

You can send and exchange the assets you have earned in Shaar to anywhere in the world without the need for an intermediary, or you can convert your earned crypto money to dollar-price type and use it.

In Shaar, you can convert or exchange not only your crypto money but also many assets from within the game, using the NFT technology offered by blockchain technology, with unchangeable records on your ownership.

3- Blockchain Technology initiates and executes transactions that are repeated many times or many transactions with predetermined rules through smart contracts, without your having to deal with them. It can make the game more interesting to play with smart contracts by using AI technology and IoT technologies. And finally, another exciting experience with the metaverse has opened new horizons in the game world.

The very realistic presentation of MMORPG games with the metaverse will enable us to travel in the Shaar universe, buy lands, and in short, experience living in the Shaar universe.

Once you get to know this fantasy world, you will look… Shaar is designed not only for gamers but also for crypto investors. Even if you’re not a player, you can buy land or space, trade NFTs, or trade crypto with the game’s utility token with the metaverse from the Shaar universe. That’s why Shaar introduced the term MetaRPG into the jargon of the blockchain gaming world to describe one of its unique features.

Finally, we would like to remind our fellow players that you can remove the Shaar tokens that you earn while playing in Shaar, because we are tokenized, and sell them in the crypto market.

With the adoption of Blockchain Technology and our belief that digital money is our future, we hope that MMORPG players will get to know the world of blockchain and meet the crypto market thanks to Shaar.

We hope this article has given you some insight into why Shaar chose the blockchain network over the internet. The second article in this series will try to answer the question What is Shaar? In our third article, we will try to explain why we prefer Social Mining instead of events such as bounties or giveaways when introducing Shaar to the game world and the blockchain field, and we want to develop the Shaar community with social mining.

Thanks for reading.

N.İpek Celik — COO of Shaar

For More : Shaar Link Tree




Take your place among the Shaarchildren by participating in a real metaverse experience in a fairy-tale universe. https://shaargame.com/