Everything You Want to Know About Shaar (1)

15 min readSep 24, 2022


Shaar Twitter Space AMA with Founders

Shaar’s CEO Bülent Bulut, Game Architect Berat Mert and CIO Fatih Salih Zor have answered questions mostly asked by the community in our first Twitter space AMA. In the first section, Fatih directed questions mostly asked by users from various sources and in the second section, our founders answered questions directly from Twitter.

1st Section

FATİH: Hello guys, good evening. I am really excited to be with you. Today, I am going to be a host for you guys and I have 2 sophisticated people who are going to answer a couple of questions, Bulent Bulut and Berat Mert. Hello Bulent, and Berat. I hope you guys are fine.

BÜLENT BULUT: Hello Fatih, we are also delighted to be here with our community. This is our first AMA session and we have been waiting for this moment for so long. Finally, we have come a long way to tell our community about Shaar.

BERAT MERT: Hello everyone, great to see a community building around Shaar and I am happy to answer questions about it.

FATIH: Q1. We are getting lots of questions on Twitter and youtube comments. And 1st question is going to be; Could you talk about yourself guys, and tell me how the Shaar project got started?

BÜLENT BULUT: I’m Bulent, When I was 6 or 7 years old, my father had a shop which sold video games. My dad took me there every weekend and I helped him. Gaming has been with me ever since(sins). After university, I drifted away from that dream and had a 17-year fintech career, most of it working in a big company, and the rest doing consulting. But, for the past 2 years, with Berat Mert, I returned to the world of games.

BERAT MERT: Berat Mert here, I have been designing fantastic worlds since I was 4–5 years old. I have written many stories and novels before Shaar. I have worked with different disciplines in art. I have over ten years of experience in social psychology and digital marketing. Shaar is a very special world design which combines all my talents and experience. I believe it has very high potential and I told Bulent about it

BÜLENT BULUT: A hahaha yes, We met during a trip, and he mesmerized me with the universe of Shaar. We set out to make a board game, and now we are stepping into the world of MetaRPG. We created a strong team that trusts us and every day we step closer to the world of Shaar.

FATİH: Sounds awesome and we are all thrilled to hear more about the story behind Shaar

Q2. What impressed you the most in designing the Shaar Universe? And what are you inspired by?

BERAT MERT: I created Shaar under the uniform of a soldier. During this time, which lasted for months, I was a night watchman. I was alone and there were only trees. Countless trees, different from each other, bushes, groves; stars and a silence that you can hear if you listen hard enough. Shaar’s inspiration comes directly from the existence of life and the one who created it. I am but a pencil-pusher, but a spectator. What I can offer is limited to what I can draw from a limitless source. The immense is all that is happening around us and within us. Outside, the universe, the macrocosm or whatever you want to call it; and inside, the realm of the human being, the microcosm or whatever you want to call it. And in between stands the human being: the spectator of it all. Shaar was, is and will be inspired by this very spectacle.

FATİH: We do not see this kind of deep thoughts behind MMORPG games nowadays. Seems like something fascinating is coming up. So let’s talk about the development stages

Q3. What is your top priority as a team in the next 6 months?

BÜLENT BULUT: We are currently around 30 people. One of our biggest goals is to increase our team size to 80+ people. This seems essential to achieving our goals. Apart from this, at the end of the six-month period, we aim to create a game management software that will continue to exist, when our 3D game is released and can be maintained by both players and investors over WEB and Mobile with the help of a simple interface, which we have announced as Lite Game. In addition to our game production activities, We have started working with great musicians for an amazing soundtrack list. Again, we are creating comics from our stories, in order to make a strong visual presentation of our world before our game. Our in-game walking simulator and cinematic teaser are being worked on and are almost finished.

These are our apparent priorities. Our goal is not just to make Shaar a strong blockchain project. Our goal is to create real brand value. Like Dune, Elder Scrolls, The Lord of The Rings, and Star Wars. If possible, go beyond all of them.

FATİH: That’s great, I can see you are working hard on utilization of the token in detail. Speaking of utilization…

Q4. Can you tell us a little bit about what Shaar is aiming for and a few of its unique features?

BERAT MERT: In fact, our general narrative so far has always been about highlighting what makes Shaar different. The most important thing that sets Shaar apart from other projects is that it is Shaar. It is a universe model in itself. It’s a real brand-building process with books, mythology books, artificial language, comics and manga, movies and TV series, toys, board games and accessories that support it. Our blockchain game is our flagship. It is our main project that will grow in value as our brand grows. We know that if we succeed in our goals, we will create global value. This is a general answer to Shaar’s brand value. As for the game… I can safely say that it will be a realistic projection of life. There will be nothing like it, or at least that’s our claim. A customised level design for all abilities. Colonization, family ties, knowledge as power, inns where you can play in-game games with each other, fairgrounds, book designs where you can create your own books and make your character or your community legendary… There is so much. We are doing a valuable job. As a team, we believe that when we succeed, we will have created a game-changing project.

FATİH: That sounds great, next question is for the gamer audience, here it comes

F5. Which innovations do you think will attract the attention of the mainstream players? (fps, tps, mmorpg etc…)

BERAT MERT: Before I answer this question, I want to say that our game design team contains people who have played almost all mainstream MMORPG games, many single-player and esports games and studied them deeply. We have a decent understanding of what players like and don’t like, so we will have all the good stuff about MMOs in the game.

Now coming to what makes Shaar MMO different, we have the cycle of life and death. Your character will die and you will keep playing as your Heir(Successor), with similar skill levels and characteristics, so a veteran player will have an impressive family tree. We also will have a diplomatic system which will be far more realistic than you have experienced in other games. Also, we will give details on that later but let’s say, get ready to vote! Another interesting feature is the `levelling system`. We will not have classic levels, you will improve your skills as you do the corresponding action. So if you want to be a blacksmith, you gotta do blacksmithing! We know we are not the first to do this, but we will also have a decay system. Don’t be afraid it’s not scary, it is just a person cannot be an expert in many life skills in real life, so in Shaar, you will have to be professional too.

Shaar’s Habitat Concept Art

2nd Section:

Shaargame Twitter Space Picked AMA Questions:

FATİH: Probably, we are going to have lots of features in the game and about the characters. Right now we are just seeing fundamental things first and then Shaar is going to go beyond of GameFi industry on the blockchain ecosystem.

Sounds great. Thank you both for your detailed answers to this outstanding project. I just wanna ask some questions collected by our community and forward you both. The first one is …

1. When I examined the “Shaar” universe, I liked that the fiction was sustainable. Will there be any new additions to the story?

( https://twitter.com/1stFlagellumDei/status/1550486835259924481

BERAT MERT: Shaar is a project where the universe design and story writing have been going on for years and will continue. We are working with multiple scriptwriters and spinoff authors on this alone. Our goal is to create the most comprehensive fantasy ever created. We aim to be on the ground not only with our massive MetaRPG but also with our movies and TV series, books, comic books, toys and many magical products. Our goal is the entire human family and we aim to improve the world of Shaar as long as we live, as long as we survive, and as long as we can convey our purpose and the magic of our world. I am not just a writer. I’m also a locksmith: I produce keys. Every artist, creative mind, crazy kids, anyone who wants, who is good, who wants to do something good, who has these keys that I distribute, yes, there are no criteria; they can enter this world, they can navigate here, they can produce; all this is already happening and Shaar will grow even more.

FATİH: When people are playing this game, we are going to create more lines for the Universe and you guys are going to be excited about that. Great, here is the second one…

2. I read @shaargame and the game is really capable of being among the legends both with its characters and as #MetaPRG as a story. What I am wondering about the game is when will we start playing the game and what kind of things will we gain as we play in the game?

https://twitter.com/belkis0144/status/1552787166559981573 )

BÜLENT BULUT: As we all know, making games is a long process, especially MMOs. Our estimated time of release is 2024, and we will do our best to meet it :) But during this 2-year period, we will not leave you guys in the dark.

We will have a lite game and we will share our work along the road so you can see our direction. As for your second question, almost all MMOs are actually play-to-earn. In Shaar’s case what you will earn will be shaar tokens.

FATİH: The third question is.

3. Can you briefly explain what kind of activities in the Shaar game will get us rewarded in tokens? and will Shaar’s token be used in the game to upgrade our characters or the material we use? In short, want to learn token-game relationships.

( https://twitter.com/BXrypto/status/1550552457079623680 )

BÜLENT BULUT: You can think of it this way, in many games, there are primary and premium currencies like silver and gold, and most of the time gold is tied to real-life dollars, and you can buy gold to look good or maybe skip some game time.

In the Shaar game, you will use the Shaar token as gold, and in some cases, the Shaar token can be used as a substitute for scratch (*which primary currency of Shaar).

Shaar Token will not only be used on item purchasing or enhancement processes but in almost every aspect of our game actively. For example, maintenance, upgrading and functionality of owned lands will be utilized by SHR token. Regular voting events for social structures such as tribes, religions and sects will be utilized with SHR tokens.

Moreover, SHR tokens will be used frequently for having unique items or taming pets and actions like enhancing items. SHR will have a direct effect on battles, player relations and their interactions with the universe.

FATİH: If I am not mistaken, we talking about a lot of utilities right? Purchase, upgrade or maybe crafting, that is great. Sounds intriguing… Here is the fourth question …

4. Almost every investor holds the token for the short-term without understanding the long-term value. So, how can you ensure for us that holding this token is more beneficial in long term and what is your plan to increase the demand and scarcity of the token?

https://twitter.com/Muhamma91833499/status/1550560950272630784 )

BÜLENT BULUT: Shaar token will be frequently used in the game. As you progress in the game, you will need more Shaar tokens to own land and buy various things on the marketplace.

$SHR is a token produced on the blockchain which makes it more valuable than the game money or assets in a regular MMORPG, so Shaar will be a cryptocurrency listed on the stock exchange. Shaar token will have the advantage of having the connection to something different with value.

In-game currencies of multiplayer games almost always have monetary value and Shaar Token will be connected to the currency of Shaar game which will give it long-term value.

And undoubtedly, the limited total supply of Shaar tokens is one of the most important reasons for you to hold Shaar for many years to come.

FATİH: What you meant by the stock exchange is probably centralised exchanges. We intend to list this token on different exchanges like binance etc etc.. Seems like a great system for sustainability, here is the fifth question from the community.

5. It is written in the book that we will continue with the chosen surrogate after we die in the Shaar universe. In this case, it has been in the game for generations. Will we have the opportunity to know our ancestors?


BERAT MERT: Yes, there will be. Some special users will also be able to identify special lineages from Shaar’s books as ancestral lineages. We’re building a special family relationship structure that connects all players. Other than that, the family trees will be much more advanced and specialized than you probably realize. Namely, we plan to keep a record of all players’ hero logs in a convertible story format. Our players and communities will be able to design their own hero stories. If desired, this information can be turned into in-game books, displayed in libraries or sold. Here you will not only see information about ancestral characters, but also the stories that made them legendary. Each new lineage will be connected to the previous one and remind you of it. Common bloodlines will be created through marriages. Just like in real life, we’ll see real clans, even dynasties. And players will be able to watch a steady stream of visuals and information about each other and their past

FATİH: There will be some deep game mechanics, sounds awesome. The sixth question is..

6. How long will the war seasons mentioned in the tribal elections last? If no one is a candidate for the elections, what will be the path?


BERAT MERT: The battle seasons will take place in parallel with the chronological progression and internal flow of the game. We are currently working on the values of this system, so it’s too early to give a definitive answer. As for the other additional question: unlike other blockchain games in general, we need to have a fairly serious player base to have a sustainable flow. For this reason, we can foresee that the mass user base that sustains our game will consist of players who focus on free play. If we reach our goals, we anticipate that we will not face the problem of not having any candidates. We will watch the leadership races and propaganda actions of a large number of leader candidates that you have never seen in any other project before

FATİH: Can’t wait to see this awesome project, such a huge project, and I am amazed. Here is the seventh question..,

7. Will this game be a survival game where players kill monsters and collect materials? And can we sell those materials in the marketplace? Will players be able to buy materials using the Shaar token?

https://twitter.com/ProfeatC/status/1550813679058395137 )

BÜLENT BULUT: Shaar fits perfectly into the routines of our daily lives. In the Shaar universe, unlike in many games, characters grow up, marry, have children, grow old and die. They work, produce, choose a religion and clan, fight disease, buy land and build their homes. They earn tokens by selling what they produce and trading with these tokens.

They can move their earnings to exchanges through token-price bridges and convert them into price-currency

FATİH: They can earn tokens by selling what they produce. And they can send their tokens to centralised exchanges and convert them to currencies like USDT etc. Cool, The eighth question is..,

8. Gamefi projects are trending in the crypto space. So, What are the various forms of NFT plates used for? Where can we buy it? What is the use case like? what is the utility? Can users trade NFT through the built-in marketplace ?; can it be used outside of games?


BERAT MERT: In Shaar, NFT’s will be used as proof of possessions of various items. We have a very specific NFT logic that sets us apart from other projects that seem to be our counterparts. We are considering selling untested things like special bloodline sales, treasure maps, religious tablets and character shouts (sounds). Also, as you know, over thirty spatial elements that you will build on the lands you will buy are programmed as NFTs with all their customizations. We currently have 12 different NFT processes scheduled and there are actually many more to come. We’re also going to make most valuables in Shaar available as NFTs. That’s something we’re still talking about. But one thing is for sure: almost all items of special quality will be strictly NFT’d, For example, unique items from the story like equipment of famous heroes will be minted as NFT’s in the game and all the information on the item will be seen anytime. This information about its history, who were the past owners, what stages it has gone through etc. Since these items are NFTs, they can also be sold outside the game.

Until we reach a sufficient and fully nourishing audience, we plan to sell some of these NFTs through platforms like Opensea. But we will open our own marketplace very quickly. Our goal is to provide all our commercial actions through our own marketplace in the medium and long term.

FATİH: After all this information I can clearly see that there will be a huge difference between hype-based projects and Shaar. The ninth question is.

9. Can you list 1–3 killer features of this project that makes it ahead of its competitors? What is the competitive advantage your project has that you feel most confident about?

https://twitter.com/KikiS14322791/status/1550830207829164033 )

BÜLENT BULUT: So 3 things haha hard question let me think

First of all, I would say

- MMOs are naturally the best games to be web3 due to the fact that most of the MMOs use economics and are play-to-earn. Our aim is to make a good MMORPG and use web3 elements to make the experience amazing.

For anyone who loves MMORPG games, the augmented reality of the metaverse and the safe environment with indisputable proof of NFT token ownership make Shaar unique.

The second point is that

- In the Shaar Universe, the heroes, your role model, are real. They can marry, have children, get sick, grow old, and even die and pass their wealth to their heir.

They make choices, engage in trade, and fight wars. In short, in the Shaar universe, with the support of blockchain technology, you “Really” live in the dynamics of a completely different universe! Combine this with, a captivating story which has the potential to expand, you have a formula for a great game.

and finally

- We have a great team, all of whom are really proficient and experienced (eksperiınst) in their respective areas which is necessary for any project to come alive. A team that is passionate and motivated can carry any project across the finish line. (BAHADIR)

FATİH: I totally agree with you, we have a great team who are working hard for the Shaar Project and they are proficient and experienced in their fields. They are just working to create this Universe for the community. We are going to have lots of features in the game. I’m sure we will witness much more killer features as the game develops. Here is the last question…

10. I can see Shaar universe will be big and I am curious about what kind of things we will be able to do in this world. can we hunt? Build some things or get social at some events?

https://twitter.com/KriptoMyLife/status/1550578470610239489 )

BERAT MERT: Yes, we are creating a really huge world. We’re aiming to create a projection of real life that is immersed in Shaar’s visual and sensory space. It will be much more than just being able to hunt. There’s going to be a lot of individual and community action and interaction, including mass hunting seasons. We’re not making a game that’s just about shoot-’em-up, smash-’em-up dynamics. There will be responses to all the basic emotions and motivations that drive societies and people in the real world.

FATİH: Sounds really intriguing.

BÜLENT BULUT: Thanks to the whole community for their interest in Shaar. We are more than happy to see every one of you here.

BERAT MERT: Absolutely, I am happy to see community building around the story. There will be great news soon.

Don’t forget Shaarchildren, the road will give us what we need!

FATİH: We have social media channels. You can go there and see the links. We are building a Universe and you are going to see this amazing project in the near future. We are going to have lots of AMAs and TwitterSpace too. We would be so delighted to have you here again. Thank you very much, have a nice day.

This concludes our AMA session.

To listen to the recording of the AMA session:

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Take your place among the Shaarchildren by participating in a real metaverse experience in a fairy-tale universe. https://shaargame.com/